Advanced Alerting

Atlastix revolutionizes the concept of alerting, delivering rich, intelligent alerts into the fabric of IT operations management. This feature not only captures the nuances of system health but also autonomously integrates with AI-driven clustering and root cause analysis, transforming alerting from a simple notification service into a comprehensive operational intelligence tool. Atlastix redefines Alerting.

Rich Alert Contextualization

Our alerts go beyond basic notifications, sourcing deep contextual insights that enrich the incident management process and inform future steps. This means that on review, alerts arrive with a rich set of data detailing the circumstances, potential impact, and preliminary analysis of the cause, making each alert a starting point for immediate action.          

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Integration with External Alarm Feeds

Understanding the complexity of modern IT environments, we also ingest and process external alarm feeds. This integration ensures that you receive a unified view of alerts and incidents across your entire ecosystem, consolidating disparate sources into a coherent operational picture.          

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Autonomous AI Clustering

Alerts are automatically fed into our sophisticated AI clustering pipelines, grouping related alerts based on underlying patterns, topologies,         symptoms, and causes. This not only reduces noise but also highlights       systemic issues, facilitating a targeted approach to root cause    resolution.          

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Seamless Root Cause Analysis

Every alert serves as an input for our AI-driven root cause analysis. By directly linking alerts to in-depth analysis, our system ensures that the underlying causes of alerts are promptly identified and addressed, closing the loop between detection and resolution.          

Continuously Learning and Improving

Advanced Alerting feature transforms traditional alerting systems into a dynamic, intelligent operational intelligence tool. By offering rich, contextualized alerts that feed directly into AI clustering and root cause analysis, our platform facilitates the most efficient triage process possible, empowering organizations to proactively manage and optimize their IT operations with unprecedented precision.

All built on a groundbreaking platform

Advanced Alerting transforms traditional alerting systems into a dynamic,     intelligent operational intelligence tool. By offering rich, contextualized alerts that feed directly into AI clustering and root cause analysis, our platform facilitates the most efficient triage process possible, empowering organizations to proactively manage and optimize their IT operations with unprecedented precision.

SRE Co-Pilot

Your AI Team Leader that helps you transform operations.

AI Native

Built from the ground up with AI at the core.

Autonomous RCA

Supercharge your teams with fully automated root cause analysis.

Unlimited Logging

Comprehensive visibility without the constraints of logging limits or caps.

Real-time Inferencing

Welcome to the dawn of a new age in Observability.

Advanced Integrations

Transform hyperscale raw data into actionable intelligence.

Blazing Fast Search

Not that you need it anymore with real-time anomaly detection.

10X Reduction in MTTR

Streamlined and automated incident triage and RCA.

Natural Language Playbooks

Revolutionize troubleshooting with dynamic recommendations.

Ready to get started? Contact us today